Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) - Base Value Redetermination

Sec. 66.1105, Wis. Stats.

For more information, review the TIF Base Value Redetermination web page.

  1. When redetermining a base value, does the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) use the Tax Incremental District's (TID's) current equalized value or the TID's lowest historic value to set the new base value?

  2. What years should the municipality use to determine the equalized values two-year, 10% decline?

  3. What steps must a municipality complete for a base value redetermination amendment?

  4. The amended project plan requires selecting Option (3), (4) or (5) from sec. 66.1105(5)(i), Wis. Stats. What impact do these three options have on the project plan?

  5. In Option (4), do the "project costs which must be paid within 90% of the TID's remaining life," include debt service?

  6. In Option (4), how is the TID's remaining life calculated?

  7. In Option (5), do "expenditures" include debt service?

  8. What is the difference between "all project costs" in Option (4) and "expenditures" in Option (5)?

  9. If a municipality asks DOR to redetermine the TID's base value, would the adjustment affect the equalized value used for the apportionment of taxes?

  10. Can a municipality with an Environmental Remediation (ER) TID request a base value redetermination?

  11. Can a municipality with a distressed (or severely distressed) TID request a base value redetermination?

  12. Can a municipality include new project costs with the base value redetermination amendment?

  13. When is the deadline to request a TID base value redetermination with DOR?

  14. Can a municipality request that the JRB adopt resolutions to extend a TID and complete a base value redetermination amendment for the same TID at the same time?


​​Contact Us

MS 6-97
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Office of Technical and Assessment Services
PO Box 8971
Madison, WI 53708-8971
Phone: (608) 266-7750