Google Translate Usage Disclaimer






Disclaimer: Google Translate is made available on this website solely for your convenience. You are not required to use it.

As described by Google, the Google Translate service may NOT accurately translate the Department website, due to the limitations of Google's machine generated translation. Use of the service is not intended to replace professional human translators.

The official text of the Department's website is the English language version. Any discrepancies or differences created in translation are not binding and have no legal effect.

lf you have any questions about the accuracy of the information translation, please refer to the English version or call DOR at (608) 266‑2486.

DOR does not endorse Google Translate and is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate translations, or damages or issues that may result from using Google Translate. The use of Google Translate is subject to the Google Terms of Service and the DOR terms and conditions of access to the DOR website.