Claiming Homestead Credit

  1. Do I qualify to file for homestead credit?

  2. How do I claim homestead credit?

  3. Which form do I use to file my homestead credit claim (Schedule H-EZ or Schedule H)?

  4. What is the deadline for filing my 2023 homestead credit claim?

  5. If I qualify for homestead credit for years prior to 2023, can I file a homestead credit claim for those years?

  6. Where can I obtain a homestead credit booklet with forms and instructions?

  7. Where can I obtain assistance in preparing my homestead credit claim?

  8. If my homestead credit is denied or adjusted and I disagree with the denial or adjustment notice, what should I do?

  9. What should I do if I already filed my Wisconsin income tax return and now want to file my homestead credit claim? What should I attach to my separately filed homestead credit claim?

  10. I received Medicaid waiver payments, which are excluded from federal adjusted gross income under sec. 131, IRC. Are these amounts required to be added to household income?

  11. I received a 2021 qualified disaster retirement plan distribution which is taxed over three years. A portion of the distribution is included in my 2023 Wisconsin adjusted gross income. What amount is included in household income?

  12. Do I need to include the interest from my funeral trust in household income?

  13. Do I need to include nontaxable military compensation in household income?

  14. Are rental assistance payments received by the tenant included in the tenant's household income for purposes of the homestead credit?

  15. May rental assistance payments be claimed as rent on line 4a, 4b, or 4c of the rent certificate?

  16. I have multiple businesses. How do I figure the amount of disqualified loss that is added back to household income?

  17. My rental property is subject to the passive activity loss rules. Do I need to add back both the allowed and unallowed losses as disqualified loss to household income?

  18. I am a farmer. Do I need to add back disqualified loss to my household income?

  19. How do I amend my Schedule H or H-EZ to correct an error made on the original Schedule H or H-EZ?

  20. When an individual partner or shareholder is determining household income for purposes of claiming the homestead credit, must the individual partner or shareholder include income from a partnership or tax-option (S) corporation making the entity-level tax election?

  21. When an individual partner or shareholder is determining household income for purposes of claiming the homestead credit, must the individual partner or shareholder include depreciation from a partnership or tax-option (S) corporation making the entity-level tax election?

Applicable Laws and Rules

This document provides statements or interpretations of the following laws and regulations enacted as of January 22​, 2024: secs. 71.03, 71.07, 71.21, 71.365, 71.52, 71.53, 71.54, 71.55 and 71.58, Wis. Stats., and secs. Tax 1.14, 14.01, 14.02, 14.03, 14.04 and 14.05, Wis. Adm. Code, and sec. 7503, IRC.

Laws enacted and in effect after this date, new administrative rules, and court decisions may change the interpretations in this document. Guidance issued prior to this date, that is contrary to the information in this document is superseded by this document, according to sec. 73.16(2)(a), Wis. Stats.

​Contact Us​

MS 5-77
Wisconsin Department of Revenue​
PO Box 8949
Madison WI 53708-8949
Phone: (608) 266-8641
Fax: (608) 267-1030
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The department welcomes your input on our guidance. Submit comments on this guidance document.

Guidance Document Number: 100099

January 22, 2024

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