| | Local Government Aid | Personal Property Aid | /Pages/Report/Act12-ppae.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | County and Municipal Aid Payments | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/PoliceandFireProtectionFee/Story1 | Interactive view of 911 Fees (Formerly known as the Police and Fire Protection Fee). |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | Interactive Data Link | State revenue and expenditure data, including general fund taxes, program expenditures, and agency expenditures, updated annually. |
| | All | N/A | interactive data link | This interactive visualization contains data from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR), United States Department of Agriculture/National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA/NASS), and United States Courts. |
| | Taxes, Alcohol | N/A | /Pages/RA/AlcoholBeverage.aspx | Alcohol beverage tax receipts (cider, wine, liquor and beer) reported on a monthly basis. |
| | Local Government Aid | N/A | /Pages/Report/arpa-allocations.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | N/A | /Pages/Report/ARPA-Payments.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | N/A | https://ww2.revenue.wi.gov/VaultPublic/index.html | Summary of assessment information by municipality |
| | Property Assessments and Values | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/AssessedValues0_2/Story1 | Interactive view of WI's Assessed Property Values, by Municipality and County |
| | Taxes, Property | Exemptions | /SLFReportsassessor/130_calc.xlsx | |
| | Taxes, Property | Exemptions | /SLFReportsassessor/130_calc.pdf | |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | Interactive Data Link | This visualization is intended to broadly contextualize capital gains in Wisconsin. |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/Report/cert-equalized-values.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Property | Chargebacks | /Pages/Report/chargeback-requests.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Tobacco | N/A | /Pages/RA/CigaretteTobaccoTaxes.aspx | Cigarette, Tobacco and Vapor Products tax receipts reported on a monthly basis. |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /Pages/Report/City-Sales-Tax.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/CommercialPropertySales/Story1 | An interactive view of commercial property sales data in Wisconsin. |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/commuterpatterns/Story1 | Interactive view of WI's Commuter Patterns, by Municipality, in 2009 and 2019. |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /DOR Publications/mfglst.xlsx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /slfreportsassessor/ccfact.xlsx | Index factors used to depreciate fixed assets in 2023 manufacturing personal property forms |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /slfreportsassessor/ccfact.pdf | Index factors used to depreciate fixed assets in 2023 manufacturing personal property forms |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /SLFReportsassessor/2012useliv.pdf | Recommended useful lives for various types of manufacturing equipment |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /Pages/RA/Corporate-Tax-Statistics.aspx | An interactive view of WI corporate income taxes by industry |
| | Local Government Aid | Statistical Report | /DORReports/countyandmunicipalaid2024.pdf | Information on county and municipal aid payments, calculations, schedules and payment totals, updated annually |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/Report/county-municipal-revenues-expenditures.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /Pages/RA/CountyPersonalIncomeDistribution.aspx | Interactive view of WI's Personal Income Distribution, by County, 2014-2018 |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /Pages/Report/County-Sales-Tax.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /Pages/RA/CountySalesTaxDistributions.aspx | Interactive view of County Sales Tax Distributions |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /Pages/RA/Sales-Tax-Per-Capita.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/views/CountyTaxableSalesComparison/Story | This report reflects county sales that occurred in calendar year 2019 and calendar year 2020 and were obtained from sales and use tax returns filed with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR). |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | /DORReports/DOR-Biennial-Report.pdf | Wisconsin Statutes, requires that every department or independent agency submit a biennial report to the Governor and Legislature, on or before October 15 of each odd-numbered year |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/SLF/EqualizedValue.aspx | Interactive view of Equalized values by class and location |
| | Local Government Aid | Exempt Computer Aid | /Pages/Report/exempt-computer-aid-payments.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Exempt Computer Aid | /Pages/Report/exempt-computer-aid-notices.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Exempt Computer Aid | /Pages/Report/exempt-computer-value-notices.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | N/A | /Pages/Report/exempt-tribal-property-aid.aspx | This report provides the amount of Exempt Tribal Property Aid distributed to each qualifying taxing jurisdiction on March 27, 2024. |
| | Local Government Aid | Statistical Report | /DORReports/erp2024.pdf | Expenditure Restraint Incentive Program: Information on eligibility and payments, including historical totals for towns, villages, and cities, updated annually. |
| | Local Government Aid | County and Municipal Aid Payments | /Pages/Report/erp-budget-limit-notices.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /DORReports/Expo-tax-distributions.xlsx | Excel version |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /DORReports/Expo-tax-distributions.pdf | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/Report/fall-school-district-certification.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Fuel | N/A | /Pages/ISE/excise-fuel.aspx | This information will be updated on monthly basis. Reports are based on reported figures from returns processed during the month covered by the report. |
| | Local Government Aid | Statistical Report | /DORReports/First_Dollar_Paper_2023.pdf | Historical information and credit payment amounts from 2008-09 to present, updated annually |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /Pages/Report/fdc-amounts.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /Pages/Report/fdc-calc-notice.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /Pages/Report/first-dollar-credit-payments.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /Pages/Report/fdc-settlement-report.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /Pages/Report/fdc-settlement-worksheet.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /slfreportsmfgtelutil/mfg-5yr.pdf | Includes state totals and year-over-year changes |
| | Taxes, Property | Statistical Report | /DORReports/specfrst2024.pdf | |
| | Taxes, Fuel | N/A | /Pages/ISE/excise-fuel.aspx | This information will be updated on monthly basis. Reports are based on reported figures from returns processed during the month covered by the report. |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | https://ww2.revenue.wi.gov/VaultPublic/rest/rt/WIRoomTaxHistoricalRetained.csv | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/EQU/report2.aspx | |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/HistoryofWITaxCollections/Story1 | Shows General Purpose Revenues data back to 1963. These economic data also shows revenues by tax types and segregated funds revenues. History of excise and utility tax collections show trends of these sectors of the Wisconsin's economy. |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /Pages/Report/Homestead.aspx | Description of the homestead tax credit program along with claim breakdown by age, income class, etc. from 2008-present, updated annually with most recently available data. |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/IITRefundableCredits/RefundableCredits | View of WI's refundable tax credits by year (Earned Income Credit, Homestead Tax Credit, Farmland Preservation Credit, and Veterans and Surviving Spouses Property Tax Credit) |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /Pages/RA/Individual-Income-Tax-Statistics.aspx | Interactive view of WI individual income tax statistics |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /Pages/Report/Ind-Inc-Tax-Stats.aspx | summary of data from individual income tax returns by tax year from 2014-present, updated annually with most recently available data |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /DOR%20Publications/local-mfg.pdf | |
| | Taxes, Property | Levy Limit | /Pages/Report/levy-limit-violation.aspx | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /DORReports/tvccal.pdf | Calendar providing process and filing deadlines and payment dates for local governments |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/LocalGovernmentDashboard_0/LocalGovernment | Municipal and county revenue and expenditure data, including property taxes, population, debt service, tax rates, and equalized values from 2012-present, updated annually |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /Pages/Report/lgc-amount.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /Pages/Report/lgc-calc-notice.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /Pages/Report/county-notification-lgc-dist.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /SLFReportscotvc/lottery-credit-settlement.pdf | Provides the Lottery and Gaming Credit amounts to be settled with each taxing jurisdiction |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /slfreportscotvc/lottery-settlement-worksheet.pdf | Provides the Lottery and Gaming Credit amounts to be settled with each taxing jurisdiction, by municipality |
| | Local Government Aid | Statistical Report | /DORReports/ltcr2024.pdf | Lottery sales information and credit summary information by municipality/county from 1999-present, updated annually |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | Lottery Credit | Interactive view of lottery tax credits including average credits, number of credits paid, payment totals, and distributions. |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/EQU/mclass-home.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /Pages/Report/manaar.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /slfreportsmfgtelutil/mfg-fvco.pdf | Includes county totals and year-over-year changes |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | https://ww2.revenue.wi.gov/RETRWebRolls/application | Application for searching current and prior year assessment rolls |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /Pages/Manufacturing/corrected-omitted.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /Pages/Report/mfg-sales-data.aspx | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /DOR%20Publications/taxdist.pdf | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/MedianHomeValueandTaxes/Story1 | Illustrates statewide median home values and property taxes using U.S. Census median home values and net property tax rates. |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /DORReports/mnwireciprocity.pdf | 2013 study about the effects of reinstating an income tax reciprocity agreement between the two states |
| | Taxes, Tobacco | N/A | /DORReports/Cigarette-and-Other-Tobacco-Product-Collections.pdf | Monthly report of net cigarette and other tobacco products tax collections. |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | /Pages/Report/Monthly-Economic-News-Update.aspx | A monthly publication highlighting Wisconsin and U.S. economic updates, including employment, income, housing, and inflation. |
| | Taxes, Fuel | N/A | /Pages/RA/Motor-Fuel-Consumption.aspx | Interactive view of WI fuel consumption back to 1968 |
| | Taxes, Fuel | N/A | /DORReports/mvfcons.pdf | A monthly report summarizing gasoline and clear diesel fuel consumption. |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /DOR%20Publications/municode.pdf | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /DOR%20Publications/muninbrs.pdf | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/Report/municipal-debt-limit.aspx | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/Report/municipal-debt-margins.aspx | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/Report/mfr-summary.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/EQU/nnc.aspx | |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/DetailedNetNewConstruction/Story1 | Illustrates the data used to compile the Wisconsin Department of Revenue's Net New Construction Report. The report provides municipalities and counties with net new construction (NNC) numbers for levy limits and the Expenditure Restraint Program (ERP). |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/Report/omitted-sharing-requests.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Personal Property Aid | /Pages/Report/personal-property-aid-estimates.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Personal Property Aid | /Pages/Report/personal-property-aid-payments.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Fuel | N/A | /Pages/ISE/excise-fuel.aspx | A report summarizing inspection fees for gallons of gas and diesel fuel consumed on a monthly basis. |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /slfreportsmfgtelutil/mfg-tid-list.pdf | Provides manufacturing values by tax incremental district (TID) |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /DORReports/premier-resort-tax-distributions.xlsx | Excel version |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /DORReports/premier-resort-tax-distributions.pdf | |
| | Taxes, Property | Levy Limit | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/LevyLimit0_2/Story1 | Wis. Stats. 66.0602 limits property tax increases for municipal and county governments. Municipal and county governments are permitted certain exceptions to local levy limits, and the visualization illustrates such exceptions. |
| | Taxes, Property | Statistical Report | /DORReports/PropTaxOverview2024.pdf | |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /Pages/Report/qualified-businesses.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Property | Real Estate Transfer | /Pages/ERETR/data-home.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Property | Real Estate Transfer | /DORReports/RET2024.pdf | |
| | Taxes, Property | Real Estate Transfer | /Pages/Report/summary-county-retr-collections.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /slfreportsmfgtelutil/mfg-rreac.pdf | Report by administrative area (district office) |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /DORReports/rta_tax_distributions.xls | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/EQU/coapprt.aspx | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | https://ww2.revenue.wi.gov/VaultPublic/publish/rt/report.html | Report submitted by Wisconsin municipalities that impose room taxes |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/MonthlyStateandCountySalesandUseTax/Story2 | Interactive View of Monthly State and County Sales and Use Tax Reported by Industry |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /Pages/RA/Sales-Tax-Per-Capita.aspx | Interactive view of sales taxes by county back to 2003 |
| | Taxes, Property | School Districts | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/SchoolDistrictIncomeandPropertyTax/SchoolDistrictTaxData | Interactive view of income and property tax data by school district back to 2005. |
| | Taxes, Property | School Districts | /DOR%20Publications/schtxd.pdf | |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /Pages/Report/school-levy.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /Pages/Report/school-levy-payments.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | County and Municipal Aid Payments | /Pages/RA/Shared-Revenue.aspx | State payments for County and Municipal Aid, Public Utility Aid, and the Expenditure Restraint program. |
| | Local Government Aid | County and Municipal Aid Payments | /Pages/Report/shared-revenue-state.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | County and Municipal Aid Payments | /pages/report/shared-revenue-estimates.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | County and Municipal Aid Payments | /Pages/Report/shared-revenue-payments.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | Statistical Report | /DORReports/sharedrevutilityaid2024.pdf | Information on the seven components of shared revenue utility aid payments and payment totals, updated annually |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/Report/special-district-certification.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Sales | Special Districts | /Pages/RA/Special-District-Taxes.aspx | An interactive view of WI's Special District Taxes including Premier Resort and Expo tax distributions by year. |
| | Taxes, Property | Special Districts | /DOR%20Publications/spedis.pdf | |
| | Taxes, Property | Special Districts | /DOR%20Publications/sptxds.pdf | |
| | Taxes, Property | N/A | Interactive Data Link | This visualization contains acreage, assessed value, fee, and estimated property tax savings data on Wisconsin's Special Forest Tax Law Programs—the Forest Crop Law (FCL) and the Managed Forest Law (MFL). |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /DORReports/stadtx.xlsx | Excel version |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /DORReports/stadtx.pdf | |
| | Tax Burden | N/A | /Pages/RA/TaxRankings.aspx | Interactive map and table with rankings of state and local tax burdens. |
| | Economic Reports | Statistical Report | /Pages/RA/State-Energy-Statistics.aspx | An Interactive view of PSC WI's utility data reported under Commission docket 5-gf-159 for investor-owned utilities. |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /slfreportsmfgtelutil/mfg-fvaa.pdf | Report by administrative area (district office) |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/Report/state-payment-register.aspx | Summary of payments to Wisconsin municipalities and counties |
| | Taxes, Sales | N/A | /Pages/RA/SalesUseTaxReport.aspx | Downloadable reports and data tables for State and Local Sales and Use Tax revenue, from 2008-2019. Please see our "Sales and Use Tax by Industry" visualization for recent data. |
| | Local Government Aid | Property Tax Credits | /DORReports/School_Levy_Paper_2024.pdf | |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | /DORReports/15incent.pdf | 2015 Report summarizing the major taxes imposed on businesses operating in WI and the tax incentives available to them (but not their impact on WI's economy). Available tax incentives include exemptions, credits, and other special corporate tax treatment. |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/SLF/SOA.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /Pages/Report/SOA-line.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/Report/soc-eqv.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/Report/statement-merged-equalized-values.aspx | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/Report/sot-final.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/EQU/strat.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Property | Statistical Report | /Pages/Report/summary-aggregate-ratios.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Alcohol | N/A | /DORReports/23sumrpt.pdf | Pursuant to sec. 16.425, Wis. Stats., the department is required to prepare a report of existing tax exemption devices. The review of alcohol beverage tax exemptions and their fiscal effects appear on page 112-116 of this report. |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | /Pages/Report/Summary-Tax-Exemption-Devices.aspx | Biennial review of tax exemption devices and their fiscal effect on the state general fund, 2009 to present. This is a useful resource in the formulation of Wisconsin tax policy. |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /SLFReportsassessor/2002apsvy.pdf | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | N/A | /SLFReportsassessor/2002apsvy.pdf | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/Report/municipal-treasurers-settlement.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | Tableau TID Data Visualization | Interactive view of Tax Increment District Finance data back to 2000. |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/Report/tax-increment-worksheet.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | /Pages/Report/tid-active.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | https://ww2.revenue.wi.gov/VaultPublic/publish/tidar/report.html | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | /Pages/SLF/tif-TIDCertReport.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | /Pages/Report/tid-creations.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | /Pages/Report/tid-distressed.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | /Pages/Report/tid-environmental-remediation.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | /Pages/EQU/TID-NNC.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | /Pages/EQU/tidchanges.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | /Pages/Report/tid-terminations.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | /Pages/Report/tid-territory-amendments.aspx | |
| | Tax Incremental Financing | N/A | /Pages/EQU/tiflim.aspx | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/ISE/trip-settlerpt-Home.aspx | The Tax Refund Interception Program (TRIP) Settlement Report is published quarterly by the Department of Revenue and disbursed electronically. |
| | Taxes, Utility | N/A | /DORReports/utilitytax-2024.pdf | updated annually with most recently available data |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | /Pages/Report/technical-college-certification.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Utility | N/A | /Documents/telco.pdf | |
| | Taxes, Utility | N/A | /DORReports/telco_2024.pdf | Information on tax collected on real and tangible personal property used in providing telecommunication services. |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /slfreportsmfgtelutil/mfg-10yr.pdf | Includes state totals and year-over-year changes |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/RA/TVC-Taxes.aspx | Interactive view of data from the Town, Village, and City (TVC) Taxes Bulletin, including tax levy overview, tax rates and equalized values, and tax levy detail going back to 2001. |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /Pages/Report/tvc-bulletin.aspx | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /DORReports/ucacty.pdf | |
| | Local Government Finance | N/A | /DORReports/ucamun.pdf | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /SLFReportsassessor/decbal.xlsx | Factors to adjust historical purchase prices for depreciation |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Manufacturing | /SLFReportsassessor/decbal.pdf | Factors to adjust historical purchase prices for depreciation |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Agricultural | /Pages/Report/UseValueCharge.aspx | |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Agricultural | /Pages/Report/UseValueGuidelines.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | N/A | /Pages/Report/vspa-estimates.aspx | |
| | Local Government Aid | County and Municipal Aid Payments | /Pages/Report/vspa-payments.aspx | |
| | Taxes, Income | Statistical Report | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/Wages_16518649474330/Wages | This visualization is intended to provide general information about the role of wage income as it relates to adjusted gross income and pertains to Wisconsin. |
| | Taxes, Alcohol | N/A | /Pages/ISE/excise.aspx#listing | As required by sec. Tax 8.63(7), Wis. Adm. Code, the following is a list of liquor wholesale permittees licensed under sec. 125.54, Wis. Stats. (2005-06), and the total square feet of floor space of the premises described in the permit. A Wisconsin liquor |
| | Taxes, Alcohol | N/A | /Pages/ISE/excise.aspx#barrels | As required by sec. 139.11(4), Wis. Stats., the following are production and imported beer reports. This information will be reported on a monthly basis. There is a 3-month lag to update this monthly return information. |
| | Tax Burden | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/WIStateandLocalTaxes/Story1 | State and Local Tax Burdens by tax type |
| | Taxes, Tobacco | N/A | /DORReports/cigarette-permits.xlsx | As required by sec. 139.38(6), Wis. Stats., the following is a list of all cigarette distributor and jobber permittees. |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /DORReports/CorpFranTax2023.pdf | |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /Pages/Report/EITC-Summary.aspx | |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/WisconsinEconomicIndicators/WIEconInd | Trends in Wisconsin's economy, including data on employment, labor force, earnings, exports, and others, from various years to present, updated monthly. |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | /Pages/Report/WI-Economic-Outlook.aspx | Wisconsin Economic Outlook and MSA Outlook: A four-year forecast of the Wisconsin economy and the 12 MSAs, including structural and historical economic analysis. |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/StateEmploymentbyIndustry/Story1 | Economic data on Wisconsin and other states' employment, including annual employment change, industry concentration, and state-by-state comparisons 1990-present, updated monthly. |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/research.policy/viz/WIExports2017/WisconsinExports | Wisconsin export information by industry and destination 1999-present, updated annually. Useful insight into Wisconsin's Manufacturing Economy. |
| | Taxes, Alcohol | N/A | /DORReports/beer-permit-list.xlsx | |
| | Taxes, Alcohol | N/A | /Pages/ISE/excise.aspx | As required by sec. 139.11(4), Wis. Stats., the following are production and imported beer reports. This information will be reported on a monthly basis. There is a 3-month lag to update this monthly return information. |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /Pages/Report/WI-Muni-AGI.aspx | Income and Income Tax per Return for Wisconsin, by Municipality 2007-present, updated annually with most recently available data. |
| | Property Assessments and Values | Equalized Property Values | https://public.tableau.com/views/Sales0_1/Story1 | The Wisconsin Real Estate Sales visualization provides information on assessment ratio compliance, assessment types by year, and real estate (or real property) sale data for Wisconsin municipalities. |
| | Taxes, Income | N/A | /Pages/Report/WI-School-Dist-Stats.aspx | Income and Income Tax per Return for Wisconsin, by School District 2007-present, updated annually with most recently available data. |
| | Taxes, Tobacco | N/A | /DORReports/tobacco-product-permit.xlsx | As required by sec. 139.82(6), Wis. Stats., the following is a list of all tobacco and vapor products distributor and jobber permittees. |
| | Taxes, Tobacco | N/A | /DORReports/excisetx_2022.pdf | Information on general fund excise tax collections |
| | Economic Reports | N/A | interactive data link | Describes the economy of Wisconsin's twelve MSAs. These economic data include employment growth and industry concentration, personal income, unemployment rates, and housing for Wisconsin's Metropolitan Statistical Areas 1991-present, updated annually. |