2022 Corporation Tax Forms

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​If you have questions about our fill-in forms, please refer to our instructions. This option will not electronically file your form.

Visit the Prior Year Income Tax Forms webpage.

10/24/2022 10:51 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 1CNSComposite Wisconsin Individual Income Tax Return for Nonresident Tax-Option (S) Corporation ShareholdersFINALNo
10/17/2022 11:01 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Flat; Form-Corp; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 1CNS InstructionsForm 1CNS InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:28 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4Wisconsin Non-Combined Corporation Franchise or Income Tax ReturnFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:28 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Non-Combined Corporation Franchise or Income Tax Return Fill-In FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:02 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Instructions; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4 InstructionsInstructions for Non-Combined Corporation Franchise or Income Tax ReturnFINALNo
1/25/2023 12:48 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4466WWisconsin Corporation or Pass-Through Entity Application for Quick Refund of Overpayment of Estimated TaxFINALYes
1/25/2023 12:48 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4466W (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Corporation or Pass-Through Entity Application for Quick Refund of Overpayment of Estimated Tax Fill-in FormFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:30 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Flat; Form-Corp; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4BLWisconsin Net Business Loss Carryforward for Separate Entity CorporationsFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:30 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Partnership; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4BL (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Net Business Loss Carryforward for Separate Entity Corporations Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:17 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4BL InstructionsWisconsin Net Business Loss Carryforward for Separate Entity Corporations InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:54 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4HWisconsin Corporation Declaration of InactivityFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:54 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4H (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Corporation Declaration of Inactivity Fill-in FormFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:51 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4TWisconsin Exempt Organization Business Franchise or Income Tax ReturnFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:51 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 4T (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Exempt Organization Business Franchise or Income Tax Return Fill-in FormFINALNo
1/9/2023 10:26 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Fiduciary2022DTS; ISE-Admin-TechForm 4T InstructionsWisconsin Exempt Organization Business Franchise or Income Tax Return InstructionsFINALNo
11/3/2022 12:57 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 5EWisconsin Election by an S Corporation Not to Be Treated as a Tax-Option CorporationFINALNo
11/3/2022 12:53 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 5RWisconsin Revocation of Election by an S Corporation Not to Be a Tax-Option CorporationFINALNo
10/24/2022 10:50 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 5SWisconsin Tax-Option (S) Corporation Franchise or Income Tax ReturnFINALNo
10/25/2022 8:00 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Instructions; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 5S InstructionsWisconsin Tax-Option (S) Corporation Franchise or Income Tax Return InstructionsFINALNo
8/20/2024 12:39 PMHampton, Michael F - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax ReturnFINALNo
1/3/2023 11:43 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6 InstructionsWisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return InstructionsFINALNo
10/27/2022 4:01 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6BLWisconsin Net Business Loss Carryforward for Combined Group MembersFINALNo
12/19/2022 12:52 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Instructions; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6BL InstructionsWisconsin Net Business Loss Carryforward for Combined Group Members InstructionsFINALNo
10/27/2022 4:02 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6CLWisconsin Capital Loss AdjustmentFINALNo
12/19/2022 12:54 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6CL InstructionsNet Capital Loss Adjustments for Combined Group Members InstructionsFINALNo
10/27/2022 4:01 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6CSWisconsin Sharing of Research CreditsFINALNo
12/19/2022 12:58 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6CS InstructionsSharing of Research Credits for Combined Group Members InstructionsFINALNo
10/27/2022 4:01 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6IWisconsin Adjustment for Insurance CompaniesFINALNo
12/19/2022 1:41 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6I InstructionsWisconsin Adjustments for Insurance Companies InstructionsFINALNo
10/27/2022 3:52 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6YWisconsin Modification for DividendsFINALNo
12/19/2022 1:04 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 6Y InstructionsWisconsin Subtraction Modification for Dividends InstructionsFINALNo
10/24/2022 10:51 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm 9bMiscellaneous IncomeFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:52 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm CWisconsin Allocation and Separate Accounting DataFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:52 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm C (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Allocation and Separate Accounting Data Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:20 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm C InstructionsWisconsin Allocation and Separate Accounting Data InstructionsFINALNo
2/10/2022 1:41 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechForm Corp-ES InstructionsWisconsin Corporation Estimated Tax Voucher InstructionsFINALNo
1/20/2023 2:41 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechForm C-PV InstructionsWisconsin Corporation Payment VoucherFINALNo
1/25/2023 12:52 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm CUWisconsin Credit Union Declaration of Exempt StatusFINALYes
1/25/2023 12:52 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechForm CU (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Credit Union Declaration of Exempt Status Fill-in FormFINALNo
2/8/2022 9:24 AMHampton, Michael F - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm HR-TTransfer of Supplement to the Federal Historic Rehabilitation CreditFINALYes
5/4/2022 11:27 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership; Form-Fiduciary2022ISE-Admin-TechForm HR-T (Fill-In Form)Transfer of Supplement to the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Credit Fill-In FormFINAL
12/22/2021 5:37 PMWebb, Holly A - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm HR-T InstructionsTransfer of Supplement to Federal Historic Rehabilitation Credit InstructionsFINAL
1/23/2023 2:52 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm NWisconsin Nonapportionable, Separately Accounted, and Separately Apportioned IncomeFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:52 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm N (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Nonapportionable, Separately Accounted, and Separately Apportioned Income Fill-in FormFINALNo
1/9/2023 10:33 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm N InstructionsWisconsin Nonapportionable, Separately Accounted, and Separately Apportioned Income InstructionsFINALNo
10/24/2022 10:48 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm PW-1Wisconsin Nonresident Income or Franchise Tax Withholding on Pass-Through Entity IncomeFINALNo
10/25/2022 9:35 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm PW-1 InstructionsWisconsin Nonresident Income or Franchise Tax Withholding on Pass-Through Entity Income InstructionsFINALNo
10/25/2022 2:36 PMSeffrood, Sharon L - DORForm; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Partnership; Form-Corp2022ISE-Admin-TechForm PW-2Wisconsin Nonresident Partner, Member, Shareholder, or Beneficiary Pass-Through Withholding Exemption AffidavitFINALNo
10/25/2022 11:17 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Instructions; Form-Flat; Form2022ISE-Admin-TechForm PW-2 Instructions Wisconsin Nonresident Partner, Member, Shareholder, or Beneficiary Pass-Through Withholding Exemption Affidavit InstructionsFINALNo
11/3/2022 9:48 AMHampton, Michael F - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm PW-ES InstructionsWisconsin Pass-Through Entity Withholding Payment Voucher InstructionsFINALNo
10/24/2022 10:49 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm PW-UUnderpayment of Estimated Withholding Tax by Pass-Through EntitiesFINALNo
10/17/2022 12:02 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm PW-U InstructionsUnderpayment of Estimated Withholding Tax by Pass-Through Entities InstructionsFINALNo
1/25/2023 12:53 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechForm UUnderpayment of Estimated Tax by CorporationsFINALYes
1/25/2023 12:52 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechForm U (Fill-in Form)Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations Fill-in FormFINALNo
5/31/2023 3:21 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechForm U InstructionsUnderpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations InstructionsFINALNo
3/22/2024 10:10 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm WQOF Wisconsin Qualified Opportunity Fund CertificateFINALYes
3/22/2024 10:05 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm WQOF (Fill-In Form)Wisconsin Qualified Opportunity Fund Certificate Fill-In FormFINALNo
3/22/2024 10:05 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm WQOF InstructionsWisconsin Qualified Opportunity Fund Certificate InstructionsFINALNo
11/2/2022 6:54 AMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechForm W-RARequired Attachments for Electronic FilingFINALYes
11/2/2022 6:54 AMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership; Form-Corp2022ISE-Admin-TechForm W-RA (Fill-In Form)Required Attachments for Electronic Filing Fill-In FormFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:53 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4IWisconsin Adjustments for Insurance CompaniesFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:53 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4I (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Adjustments for Insurance Companies Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:29 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4I InstructionsWisconsin Adjustments for Insurance Companies InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:48 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4VWisconsin Additions to Federal IncomeFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:48 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4V (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Additions to Federal Income Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:27 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4V InstructionsWisconsin Additions to Federal Income InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:49 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4WWisconsin Subtractions From Federal IncomeFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:55 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4W (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Subtractions From Federal Income Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:24 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4W InstructionsWisconsin Subtractions from Federal Income InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:50 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4YWisconsin Subtraction Modification for DividendsFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:50 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4Y (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Subtraction Modification for Dividends Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:02 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Instructions; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 4Y InstructionsWisconsin Subtraction Modification for Dividends InstructionsFINALNo
10/24/2022 10:51 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Flat; Form-Corp2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 5K-1Tax-Option (S) Corporation Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.FINALNo
10/17/2022 10:59 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Corp2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 5K-1 InstructionsShareholder's Instructions for Schedule 5K-1FINALNo
10/24/2022 10:49 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Flat; Form-Corp2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 5S-ETEntity-Level Tax ComputationFINALNo
10/17/2022 12:00 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule 5S-ET InstructionsEntity-Level Tax Computation InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:47 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-01Wisconsin Single Sales Factor Apportionment Data for Nonspecialized IndustriesFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:47 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-01 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Single Sales Factor Apportionment Data for Nonspecialized Industries Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 3:02 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-01 InstructionsWisconsin Single Sales Factor Apportionment Data for Nonspecialized Industries InstructionsFINALNo
1/25/2023 12:57 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-02Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Financial InstitutionsFINALYes
1/25/2023 12:56 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-02 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Financial Institutions Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/19/2022 1:08 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-02 InstructionsWisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Financial Institutions InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:43 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-03Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Motor CarriersFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:43 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-03 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Motor Carriers Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 3:05 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-03 InstructionsWisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Motor Carriers InstructionsFINALNo
1/25/2023 12:58 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Partnership; Form-Ind-Income2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-04Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Telecommunications CompaniesFINALYes
1/25/2023 12:58 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-04 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Telecommunications Companies Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/19/2022 1:09 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-04 InstructionsWisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Telecommunications Companies InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:44 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-05Wisconsin Premiums Factor for Insurance CompaniesFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:44 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-05 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Premiums Factor for Insurance Companies Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 3:26 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-05 InstructionsWisconsin Premiums Factor for Insurance Companies InstructionsFINALNo
1/25/2023 12:59 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-06Wisconsin Receipts Factor for Interstate Brokers-Dealers, Investment Advisors, Investment Companies, and UnderwritersFINALYes
1/25/2023 12:59 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-06 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Receipts Factor for Interstate Brokers-Dealers, Investment Advisors, Investment Companies, and Underwriters Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/19/2022 1:11 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-06 InstructionsWisconsin Receipts Factor for Interstate Brokers-Dealers, Investment Advisors, Investment Companies, and Underwriters InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:45 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-07Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Air CarriersFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:45 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-07 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Air Carriers Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 3:10 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-07 InstructionsWisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Air Carriers InstructionsFINALNo
1/25/2023 1:00 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-08Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for BroadcastersFINALYes
1/25/2023 1:00 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-08 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Broadcasters Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/19/2022 1:12 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-08 InstructionsWisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Broadcasters InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:46 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-09Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate RailroadsFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:46 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-09 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Railroads Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 3:12 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-09 InstructionsWisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Railroads InstructionsFINALNo
1/25/2023 1:01 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-10Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Pipeline CompaniesFINALYes
1/25/2023 1:01 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-10 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Pipeline Companies Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/19/2022 1:27 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-10 InstructionsWisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Pipeline Companies InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:40 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-11Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Air Freight Forwarders Affiliated with a Direct Air CarrierFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:40 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-11 (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Air Freight Forwarders Affiliated with a Direct Air Carrier Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 3:14 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule A-11 InstructionsWisconsin Apportionment Percentage for Interstate Air Freight Forwarders Affiliated with a Direct Air Carrier InstructionsFINALNo
11/2/2022 7:03 AMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule ARExplanation of Amended ReturnFINALYes
11/2/2022 7:03 AMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule AR (Fill-In Form)Explanation of Amended Return Fill-In FormFINALNo
12/5/2022 1:17 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule AR InstructionsExplanation of Amended Return InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:41 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule BDBusiness Development CreditFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:41 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule BD (Fill-in Form)Business Development Credit Fill-in FormFINALNo
11/2/2022 7:05 AMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Corp2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CFCarryforward of Unused CreditsFINALYes
11/2/2022 7:05 AMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Corp2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CF (Fill-In Form)Carryforward of Unused Credits Fill-In FormFINALNo
11/1/2022 2:18 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Instructions; Form-Ind-Income2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CF InstructionsCarryforward of Unused Credits InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:42 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Partnership; Form-Ind-Income2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CMCommunity Rehabilitation Program CreditFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:42 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CM (Fill-in Form)Community Rehabilitation Program CreditFINALNo
1/9/2023 10:26 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CM InstructionsCommunity Rehabilitation Program Credit InstructionsFINALNo
11/2/2022 7:07 AMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Corp2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CROther CreditsFINALYes
11/2/2022 7:07 AMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CR (Fill-In Form)Other Credits Fill-In FormFINALNo
11/1/2022 11:10 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Instructions; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Fiduciary2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CR InstructionsOther Credit InstructionsFINALNo
1/25/2023 12:51 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CU-1Credit Union Adjustment to IncomeFINALYes
1/25/2023 12:51 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CU-1 (Fill-in Form)Credit Union Adjustment to Income Fill-in FormFINALNo
1/13/2023 8:15 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Instructions; Form-Corp2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule CU-1 InstructionsCredit Union Adjustment to Income InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:42 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule DCWisconsin Development Zones CreditsFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:42 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule DC (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Development Zones Credits Fill-in FormFINALNo
1/9/2023 10:27 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule DC InstructionsWisconsin Development Zones Credits InstructionsFINALNo
1/25/2023 12:55 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule DEDisregarded Entity ScheduleFINALYes
1/25/2023 12:54 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule DE (Fill-in Form)Disregarded Entity Schedule Fill-in FormFINALNo
10/27/2022 3:59 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule ECEnterprise Zone Jobs CreditFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:34 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule EDWisconsin Economic Development Tax Credit FINALYes
1/3/2024 3:03 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule ED (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Economic Development Tax Credit Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:45 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership; Form-Fiduciary2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule ED InstructionsWisconsin Economic Development Tax Credit InstructionsFINALNo
10/27/2022 3:59 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule EITElectronics and Information Technology Manufacturing Zone CreditFINALNo
1/13/2023 8:19 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership; Form-Instructions; Form-Flat2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule EIT InstructionsElectronics and Information Technology Manufacturing Zone Credit InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:35 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule ESEmployee College Savings Account Contribution CreditFINALYes
1/25/2023 7:56 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule ES (Fill-in Form)Employee College Savings Account Contribution Credit Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:48 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule ES InstructionsEmployee College Savings Account Contribution Credit InstructionsFINALNo
10/24/2022 10:49 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule ET-OSCredit for Net Tax Paid to Another StateFINALNo
10/24/2022 10:54 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Partnership; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule ET-OS InstructionsCredit for Net Tax Paid to Another State InstructionsFINALNo
10/28/2022 12:17 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Fiduciary2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule FCFarmland Preservation CreditFINALYes
10/28/2022 12:10 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fill-In; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Ind-Income2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule FC (Fill-In Form)Farmland Preservation Credit Fill-In FormFINALNo
11/18/2022 3:43 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule FC InstructionsFarmland Preservation Credit InstructionsFINALNo
10/28/2022 12:17 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule FC-AFarmland Preservation CreditFINALYes
10/28/2022 12:07 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule FC-A (Fill-In Form)Farmland Preservation Credit Fill-In FormFINALNo
11/18/2022 3:34 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule FC-A InstructionsFarmland Preservation Credit InstructionsFINALNo
1/25/2023 12:49 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule HRWisconsin Historic Rehabilitation CreditsFINALYes
1/25/2023 12:49 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule HR (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Historic Rehabilitation Credits Fill-in FormFINALNo
4/24/2023 7:26 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule HR InstructionsWisconsin Historic Rehabilitation Credits InstructionsFINALNo
2/8/2022 9:25 AMHampton, Michael F - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule HR-5Wisconsin Supplement to the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit – Five-Year Credit ClaimFINALYes
2/7/2022 5:32 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fill-In; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule HR-5 (Fill-In Form)Wisconsin Supplement to the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit – Five-Year Credit Claim Fill-In FormFINAL
12/22/2021 5:37 PMWebb, Holly A - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule HR-5 InstructionsWisconsin Supplement to the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit - Five-Year Credit Claim InstructionsFINAL
10/27/2022 3:59 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule JTWisconsin Jobs Tax CreditFINALNo
1/25/2023 12:54 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule LIWisconsin Low-Income Housing Tax CreditFINALYes
1/25/2023 12:54 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule LI (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/21/2022 9:30 AMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule LI InstructionsWisconsin Low-Income Housing Tax Credit InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:36 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MA-AWisconsin Agricultural CreditFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:36 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MA-A (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Agricultural Credit Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:50 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MA-A InstructionsWisconsin Agricultural Credit InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:37 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MA-MWisconsin Manufacturing CreditFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:37 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MA-M (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Manufacturing Credit Fill-in FormFINALNo
12/13/2022 2:52 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MA-M InstructionsWisconsin Manufacturing Credit InstructionsFINALNo
1/13/2023 8:39 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership; Form-Fiduciary2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MIManufacturing Investment CreditFINALYes
1/13/2023 8:34 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MI (Fill-In Form)Manufacturing Investment Credit Fill-In FormFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:31 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MSWisconsin Manufacturer’s Sales Tax Credit Carryforward AllowableFINALYes
1/23/2023 2:31 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MS (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Manufacturer’s Sales Tax Credit Carryforward Allowable Fill-in FormFINALNo
1/9/2023 10:32 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership; Form-Fiduciary2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule MS InstructionsWisconsin Manufacturer’s Sales Tax Credit Carryforward Allowable InstructionsFINALNo
10/27/2022 3:59 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule RWisconsin Research CreditsFINALNo
1/13/2023 8:18 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule R InstructionsWisconsin Research Credits InstructionsFINALNo
1/13/2023 8:39 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm-Corp; Form; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule RTWisconsin Related Entity Expenses Disclosure StatementFINALYes
1/13/2023 8:35 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule RT (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Related Entity Expenses Disclosure Statement Fill-In FormFINALNo
12/19/2022 12:52 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership; Form-Instructions2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule RT InstructionsWisconsin Related Entity Expenses Disclosure Statement InstructionsFINALNo
1/13/2023 8:38 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule RT-1Statement of Disallowed Related Entity ExpensesFINALYes
1/13/2023 8:37 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule RT-1 (Fill-in Form)Statement of Disallowed Related Entity Expenses Fill-In FormFINALNo
12/19/2022 1:17 PMSellner, Valerie A - DORForm-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Instructions; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule RT-1 InstructionsStatement of Disallowed Related Entity Expense InstructionsFINALNo
1/23/2023 2:33 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Flat; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule VCWisconsin Venture Capital CreditsFINALYes
1/3/2024 3:03 PMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Fill-In; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule VC (Fill-in Form)Wisconsin Venture Capital Credits Fill-in FormFINALNo
1/9/2023 10:31 AMGallagher, Dylan M - DORForm; Form-Corp; Form-Flat; Form-Instructions; Form-Fiduciary; Form-Ind-Income; Form-Partnership2022ISE-Admin-TechSchedule VC InstructionsWisconsin Venture Capital Credits InstructionsFINALNo

* Prior to finalization, many of the major Wisconsin income and franchise tax forms and instructions are available as advance drafts. Note: These advance draft items are not final and are subject to change at any time.