Association of Municipal Electric Extension

​Use this form to request an extension. We only grant an extension if you submit this form before the "Form Due" date listed below. After you submit the request, you will receive an email with the request summary. The email confirms your extension was granted. If you have questions, contact us at or (608) 266-8162.

Company is a required field.
File Code is a required field.
Contact Person is a required field.
Taxpayer's email address is a required field.
Address is a required field.
City is a required field.
State is a required field.
Zip code is a required field.
Enter Telephone number with dashes as xxx-xxx-xxxx
Enter FAX number with dashes as xxx-xxx-xxxx

*Please check report extension(s) your company is requesting:

Please choose at least one option from checkbox
  ElectricExtension Request ForForm Due*Extension Granted To*
UT-008Waste TreatmentJanuary 15May 15
UT-149Operating Utility Real PropertyFebruary 15 
UT-149 NONon Operating Utility Real PropertyFebruary 15 
MP-800Annual ReportMay 1June 1
 * If a due date or extended due date is on a weekend or holiday, that date will be moved to DOR's next day of business

Taxpayer's question/comment is a required field.