Employers and payers doing business in Wisconsin are required to file wage statements (Forms W-2) and information returns (e.g.,1099-MISC) with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR), even if they have no withholding to report. Please follow the requirements posted on our website. If you do not follow these requirements, the department will reject electronic returns with incomplete or incorrect information and give you a reject reason so you can correct the information and resubmit. The department will not return incorrect or incomplete returns filed on paper. If you filed on paper, the department will send you a letter asking you to correct and submit the corrected forms.
You can
lookup a Wisconsin withholding tax account number on our website if you have the business' federal ID or social security number, legal name, and zip code. If the business never held and is not required to hold a withholding tax number, use 036888888888801 for the Wisconsin account number. You can check the legal name the department has on record using
My Tax Account, if you are registered.
For more information on filing requirements, see
Publication 117,
Guide to Wisconsin Wage Statements and Information Returns.
Thank you for your cooperation.
January 13, 2017