Division of Alcohol Beverages – requesting feedback on 2023 Act 73 implementation

To: Municipal clerks

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue, Division of Alcohol Beverages (DAB) would like to thank you for your hard work implementing 2023 Act 73 and its many changes to alcohol beverage law. Municipal clerks across the state rose to the occasion and completed the first licensing and reporting cycle after these new changes. We are grateful for your partnership and value hearing from you directly through your emails, participating in presentations, and phone calls.

DAB would like your feedback on two important items – as we continue the implementation of 2023 Act 73
  1. Municipal implementation of full-service retail sales for producers (breweries, distilleries, and wineries)
  2. The new statewide operators' permit – effective January 1, 2025

Please respond no later than Friday, August 9 at 5:00 p.m.

  • Take survey – answer the questions in this survey to the best of your ability
  • The survey is designed to address the two specific topics above – and has one open-ended question related to 2023 Act 73
  • Survey responses will be used to inform rulemaking, guidance, and upcoming presentations
  • Note: Questions posed to DAB in response to this survey will not be treated as official inquiries and will not receive direct responses


If you have a specific inquiry regarding your community, email DORAlcohol@wisconsin.gov.​