SLF-OTAS Director Announcement

January 20, 2023

To: Statutory Assessors, Public Assessor List, County Real Property Listers, Treasurers, Clerks and Register of Deeds, Municipal Clerks and  Treasurers

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue's Division of State and Local Finance is pleased to announce Kathryn Soto-Moreno as the Director of the Office of Technical and Assessment Services (OTAS).

Kathryn has worked within our Equalization Bureau for 28 years, most recently as the Madison District Office Supervisor. Kathryn has extensive experience with Wisconsin property appraisal and assessment practices, tax incremental finance, and holds her Assessor II and III certifications.

We are very excited to have Kathryn in her new role.

​Contact Information:
Kathryn Soto-Moreno, Director
Office of Technical and Assessment Services
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
PO Box 8971, MS 6-97
Madison, WI 53708-8971

Phone: (608) 266-7750​