Tax Incremental Districts - Environmental Remediation

Report; Report-TIF20242024 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20242024 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20232021 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20232023 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20222022 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20222022 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20212021 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20212021 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20202020 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20202020 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20192019 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report; Report-TIF20192019 Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs)
Report Information
Environmental Remediation Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs) active in the report year

Report column definitions

  • CoMun # – county municipal code where TID is located
  • County – county where TID is located
  • TVC – municipality type (town, village, city)
  • Municipality – name of the city, village or town where the TID is located
  • TID # – number assigned to the TID by the municipality. An alpha character after the number provides additional information, if applicable. The alpha characters include:
    A - Town (sec. 60.23, Wis. Stats.)
    E - Environmental remediation
    C - County environmental remediation
    O - Cooperative
    T - Town (sec. 60.85, Wis. Stats.)
    R - County (Florence or Menominee only)
    M - Multijurisdictional
  • Type – when a TID is created the municipality must declare the TID type. Distressed and Severely Distressed are additional types that indicate a TID's life was extended to meet its obligations.
    1 - Created before October 1, 1995 (not required to declare a type)
    2 - Blight
    3 - Rehabilitation or conservation
    4 - Industrial after October 1, 1995
    5 - Industrial after October 1, 2004
    6 - Mixed-use
    7 - Town
    • 7A - Agricultural
    • 7F - Forest
    • 7M - Manufacturing
    • 7T - Tourism
    8 - Environmental remediation - pre 2017
    10 - Environmental remediation - post 2017
    99 - Special Legislation
    D - Distressed
    S - Severely distressed
  • Base Yr. – year the TID was created
  • Base Value – equalized value of all property within the TID when the TID was created
  • Current Value – equalized value of all property within the TID for the current year
  • Increment – difference between the current value and the base value
  • Value Limit Indicator – indicates if a TID's increment value is included in a municipality's value limit calculation
    • Yes - ER TID's value increment is included in the limit calculation
    • No - ER TID's value increment is not included in the limit calculation

​​Contact Us

MS 6-97
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Office of Technical and Assessment Services
PO Box 8971
Madison, WI 53708-8971
Phone: (608) 266-7750