Tax Increment Worksheet

​​​​​​​​​The Tax Increment Worksheet (PC-202) calculates property tax amounts for the Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs) within a municipality. The TIW uses the overlying taxing jurisdiction's apportioned tax levies and the value increment within each taxing jurisdiction to determine their share of the tax increment. The total tax increment is distributed to the municipality's TIDs.

Any town, village or city with one or more TIDs with a positive total value increment must complete the TIW each year. You must file this worksheet before you can file the Statement of Taxes (SOT).

This report is posted annually in June for the prior year.

Report; Report-LGS-MuniSLF; SLF-LGSTIW-20232023 Tax Increment Worksheet2024
Report; Report-LGS-MuniSLF; SLF-LGStiw-20222022 Tax Increment Worksheet2023
Report; Report-LGS-MuniSLF; SLF-LGStiw-20212021 Tax Increment Worksheet2022