Municipal Debt Margins

​​For each Wisconsin municipality and county, this report provides their allowable debt limit, actual debt (as reported to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue on the Financial Report form), and margin. This report is posted for the prior year in December annually.​

2023aadebtReport; Report-LGS-Muni20242023 Municipal Debt Margin
2022aadebtReport; Report-LGS-Muni20232022 Municipal Debt Margins
2021aadebtReport; Report-LGS-Muni20222021 Municipal Debt Margins
2020aadebtReport; Report-LGS-Muni20212020 Municipal Debt Margins
2019aadebtReport; Report-LGS-Muni20202019 Municipal Debt Margins
2018aadebtReport; Report-LGS-Muni20192018 Municipal Debt Margins
2017aadebtReport; Report-LGS-Muni20172017 Municipal Debt Margins