Motor Fuel e-File Testing and Approval

​​Required WIMFETV4.0 Testing Information

V4.0 Testing - Software provider acceptance testing will open July 1, 2020 for software providers and permit holders that create their own software. You must include your unique value in the SoftwareId node of the Motor Fuels Header. If you do not currently have a software id you can request a value from or create your own. This value must be present in all test and production returns.

Permit holders may begin testing once their software provider has been approved. Your software provider should be able to let you know when they have completed testing.

Required Tests - The test package contains a folder with all required tests by permit type. Each permit will require from 5 to 7 test returns.

Test File Naming - Test files must use the file naming convention provided in the test package. An example for Test M02e00 for an Ethanol Producer would be M0201234567892020149e00.xml.

SubmissionId - The SubmissionId value must match the submitted file name with the M02 removed from the start and the .xml extension removed. This will provi​de a 20 character value that can be used in the OriginalSubmissionId in the case of a future amended return. An example is 01234567892020171e01.

Test Return Submission - All test returns must be submitted through your SFTP account. Software providers will be expected to have their own account for testing. Permit holders filing XML returns must have an account. Contact to request SFTP access if you do not have an account.

Testing Feedback - You will receive feedback via email stating the return has passed or failed. If failed, the email will list the issues that have been identified by the Developer Relations and Excise teams. You will be notified when you have completed acceptance testing and are approved for production filing.

Current Testing Information

General Note - You will want to test all of the forms you normally use. In the initial stages it is best to limit the number of invoices (Bills of Lading) and other iterations of detail transaction to 20 transactions. Once you have the format correct, then start to add larger number of transactions.

Step 1) Manual Format testing - You may begin this at any time - drop a file in the SFTP testdropoff folder or email it as an attachment to If you drop it in the SFTP testdropoff folder, send an email with your organization and file name to the developer relations email address so we are aware of the new test file. We will review the XML to make sure it is well-formed and valid. Feedback will be provided in an email. This phase of testing may begin at any time.

Step 2) Auto format testing - Once you are to the point where the XML seems to be consistently well formed and valid, we will set up for automatic testing. With automatic testing you should receive an acknowledgement within a few minutes. It will be placed in the testpickup folder for you to retrieve. This test system will always be available, and you may test as often as you like.

Step 3) Content review - The department will load your test returns into our processing system and have the team from our business area review your return for content. You will receive an email with feedback on issues that need correcting or approving you to commence filing returns in production (the dropoff folder).

Before sending your initial test submission, please notify -

June 19, 2020