Fact: DOR safeguards stopped more than $77 million in bad refunds in FY23
Stopping Identity Theft and Refund Fraud
Fraud and identity theft are among the nation's leading cybercrimes, and the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) knows the threats posed to Wisconsin taxpayers. DOR cybersecurity experts work alongside department staff using the latest cybersecurity intelligence and technologies to combat current and evolving cybercriminal threats. Specialized taxpayer identity verification and employer-employee wage report cross-check systems are part of a multilayered defense network designed to ensure taxpayer information is protected.
These state-of-the-art systems expedite tax refund receipts for most, although, delays may occur when data, wage report crosscheck or other errors are found. DOR places priority on timely refund distribution, but this falls secondary to protecting taxpayers' personal information. Tax filers can help avoid delays by double checking work before submitting a tax return. Our Identity and Fraud Safeguards
- Identify new fraud schemes and update systems to stop fraudulent refunds
- Review and adjust fraudulent homestead and earned income credits
- Evaluate returns processed for excessive withholding
- Find identity theft and assist victims
- Increased staffing and technology resources to combat refund fraud