Municipal Assessment Report Direct Electronic Filing Instructions

Some developers serve their clients by maintaining and providing the data necessary for filing forms with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR). Many do this by reproducing DOR forms within their own product. Often, this involves extensive programming by the developer to validate and ensure acceptance of the data before submittal.

Municipal Assessment Report direct electronic filing

Package Contents

  • Schema - the schema folder contains the XML schema. The schema is broken into separate files for different parts of the form. To validate a MAR XML filing file, you need all the schema files.
  • Examples - these are XML instance files showing how the schema is used
  • SLF Direct Electronic Filing.docx - a Microsoft Word document explaining the overall filing architecture. The information explained in this document is not MAR specific and applies to all electronically fillable forms published in 2019 and beyond. Though not MAR specific, you should read and understand the information provided here.
  • MAR.docx - a Microsoft Word document providing an explanation of MAR specific issues. There is also a change log at the end showing changes made to the schema after the first public release for the year.


Contact Us

MS 6-97
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Division of State and Local Finance
Office of Technical and Assessment Services
PO Box 8971
Madison, WI 53708-8971
Phone: (608) 266-7750
Fax: (608) 264-6897