Manufacturing e-file system is now open

​​January 17, 2018

To: Manufacturers, Manufacturing Property Owners, and Preparers Filing M-Forms

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) has opened its electronic (e-filing) system to manufacturers required to file 2018 Manufacturing Personal Property (M-P) and Real Estate (M-R) Returns (M-Forms). Companies leasing personal property to state-assessed manufacturers should file the Leased, Rented or Loaned Personal Property (M-L) Return. Visit the Manufacturing landing page on DOR's website for more information on 2018 M-Forms.

Notes for 2018:

  • Federal Government (IRS) safe harbor and de minimis safe harbor standards that provide guidance for federal income tax deductions do not apply to Wisconsin state personal property tax reporting. Review the 2018 M-P Form Instruction Booklet (page 5) for more information.
  • Internet browser bookmarks/favorites to the Manufacturing Assessment System (MAS) from prior years may not work in 2018 due to changes in DOR's web design. Enter MAS through our website and save a new bookmark.

Helpful Reminders:

  • DOR encourages you to electronically file (e-file) your M-Forms
    • 2018 M-Forms are now available to authorized users of our electronic filing system 
    • M-Form filing instructions and common questions on are located on our website
  • E-filing benefits/tips
    Getting started:
    • If you e-filed last year, your 2018 M-Form pre-fills with last year's data
    • After logging into DOR's system, electronic filers should download a copy of the M-Form to their computer. Locate the downloaded form and save it to your computer. ​

  • Additional information:
    • Attachments – you can attach files to submit with the electronic form, including: asset lists, building plans or any additional information
    • The form prints as it appears on screen
    • M-P Form displays all physical locations within each municipal account
    • Status of electronic filings is tracked within the system and displayed on an account history page or authorized accounts page
    • You can review your audited forms (current and prior years)
  • Paper filing your return
    • DOR encourages past paper-filers to try e-filing for greater efficiency, accuracy and verification of filing
    • M-Forms to download and print will not be available on our website until late January
  • Filing extension requests – by March 1
    • Electronic – the easiest way to file an extension request is online. File your request within the electronic filing system on an individual account basis, by March 1. You will receive immediate confirmation after you submit your extension request.
    • Mail, fax, email – filing extension requests received by mail, fax, or email must identify each individual account and be received by, or postmarked, on or before March 1

For other questions on manufacturing property assessment, contact the Manufacturing & Utility Bureau District Office responsible for the location of your manufacturing property.