Final PAD Reminder - Deadline this Friday, March 4

February 28, 2022

To: General Assessors, Certified Assessors

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) would like to remind assessors that the final deadline to enter 2021 sales and assessment data in the Provide Assessment Data (PAD) system for the FINAL Assessment to Sales Ratio Report is this Friday, March 4. To access DOR's Provide Assessment Data system (PAD), visit DOR's Assessor web page, and click the "Provide Assessment Data" link located in the "Online Services" section.


  • Assessors are required to provide assessment data to us completely and promptly, under state law (sec. 73.03(5), Wis. Stats.)
  • If you do not submit the required information by March 4, we will file a formal complaint against your certification with DOR's Education and Certification group

Sales summary status

  • Attached is a status summary of sales as of 10:00 a.m., February 25 that still needs a response in the PAD system
  • Check for late 2021 sales recorded in 2022 that still need a response in the PAD system
  • If you still need to submit or amend 2021 assessment data, review the timeline and information listed below

Timeline for 2021 sales and PAD information

These dates apply when you use the PAD system to submit individual sales information and when you send an electronic file to DOR.

  • March 4, 2022 – final deadline for assessors to enter 2021 sales and assessment data in PAD
  • March 4, 2022 – final date to notify DOR of any 2021 assessment data corrections to the preliminary sales reports
  • March 25, 2022 – DOR distributes final 2021 Assessment to Sales Ratio Report to assessors
  • June 6, 2022 – PAD system is available for entering sales and assessment data for 2022 sales

Electronic files

  • If you submit an electronic file, contact the Office of Technical and Assessment Services to test the file layout before the deadline
  • Remember – you must review the DOR PAD file status email
    • Email identifies the number of accepted sales and any sales with errors
    • If errors exist, the document attached to the file status email identifies the sales and errors that need correcting
    • If there are sales with errors, you must correct them and upload the corrected file

PAD information

We appreciate your continued efforts to provide verified, accurate and timely information.


Contact the district office in your area.