Testing - Software Developer Specifications for WT-6

The test system should always be available except during the Sunday morning maintenance window. You may submit test files as often as you like. Test files are not required, but are strongly recommended. No software certification process is available. Distribution of untested software could cause Wisconsin transmissions to be rejected.

You must identify the file as a test file. There are currently two steps to doing so. The first step is at the transmission level, and this will vary based on the transmission method, please refer to the section on Transmitting Electronic Returns for details specific to your transmission method.

The second step involves setting a flag within the file itself. There is an element in the Transmission header named ProcessType whose value can be "T" for Test and "P" for Prod. Please note that if the two steps are not in sync, your file will be rejected.

The test file will be processed in the test system, loaded into the parser, checked for being well ​formed, validated against the schema, validated against business rules and loaded to test tables. Confirmation or rejection acknowledgements will be sent within one business day.

Please email DORDeveloperRelations@wisconsin.gov for further information. List XML Withholding WT-6 in the subject line.

February 12, 2013